function crosschain_tab_builder(div, selector){ var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var fee = 200000; var display = document.createElement("div"); display.innerHTML = "ready."; var title = document.createElement("h3"); title.innerHTML = "Crosschain Decentralized Exchange "; div.appendChild(title); var details = document.createElement("p"); details.innerHTML = "Sell a currency on the Amoveo blockchain to get coins on another blockchain. Manage these kinds of trades."; div.appendChild(details); div.appendChild(display); var IP = default_ip(); //Make trade offer interface var trade_offer_title = document.createElement("h3"); trade_offer_title.innerHTML = "Make Trade Offer"; div.appendChild(trade_offer_title); var other_blockchain_input = text_input("Name of the other blockchain where you want to receive value. (i.e. Ethereum)", div); div.appendChild(br()); var ticker_input = text_input("Name of the currency that you want to be paid in. (i.e. Eth)", div); div.appendChild(br()); var other_address_input = text_input("Your address on the other blockchain. Needs to be a fresh address that has never received currency before", div); div.appendChild(br()); var receive_amount_input = text_input("Amount of currency you want to receive. (i.e. 1.205)", div); div.appendChild(br()); var selector_label = document.createElement("span"); selector_label.innerHTML = "Currency you are spending: "; div.appendChild(selector_label); div.appendChild(selector); div.appendChild(br()); var spend_amount_input = text_input("Amount of currency you want to send. (i.e. 0.15)", div); div.appendChild(br()); var advanced_div = document.createElement("div"); advanced_div.appendChild(br()); var advanced_interface = document.createElement("div"); var more_button = button_maker2("more options", function(){ advanced_div.innerHTML = ""; advanced_div.appendChild(advanced_interface); }); var less_button = button_maker2("less options", function(){ advanced_div.innerHTML = "
"; }); div.appendChild(more_button); div.appendChild(less_button); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(advanced_div); var security_amount_input = text_input("How much currency should your counterparty need to lock into the contract as a security deposit to enforce that they actually deliver. (they need to lock up the same currency type as you are selling, default is 10% the amount you are selling) (i.e. 0.015)", advanced_interface); advanced_interface.appendChild(br()); var hours_input = text_input("How many hours do they have until the money needs to arrive in your account on the other blockchain. Giving more time can allow for them to pay a lower fee, and you to trade at a better price. Don't make it too big, we need to wait this long to run the oracle. (i.e. 48)", advanced_interface); hours_input.value = "48"; advanced_interface.appendChild(br()); //look at create_tab_builder to see about dates. var many_blocks_to_match_input = text_input("How many Amoveo blocks until your trade offer should expire as invalid. (Amoveo has about 130 blocks per day)(i.e. 130)", advanced_interface); many_blocks_to_match_input.value = "130"; advanced_interface.appendChild(br()); //test values other_blockchain_input.value = "Bitcoin"; ticker_input.value = "BTC"; other_address_input.value = "1FdyGS6MSaWsrKwN6BSzrss6K55fj9Dft1"; receive_amount_input.value = "0.01"; spend_amount_input.value = "1"; /* //security_amount_input.value = "0.3"; hours_input.value = "48"; many_blocks_to_match_input.value = "30"; */ var button = button_maker3("make crosschain trade offer", crosschain_offer); div.appendChild(button); div.appendChild(br()); async function crosschain_offer(button){ var d = new Date(); var hours = parseFloat(hours_input.value, 10); if(hours > (24*7)){ display.innerHTML = "you cannot make a trade that needs to wait more than a week to run the oracle."; return(0); }; d.setTime(d.getTime() + (hours * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var date = d.toUTCString(); var date = date.slice(5, 22).concat(" GMT"); var [cid, oracle_text] = await sell_veo_contract.oid( other_blockchain_input.value, other_address_input.value, receive_amount_input.value, ticker_input.value, date); var Source, SourceType; if(selector.value == "veo"){ Source = ZERO; SourceType = 0; } else { var V = JSON.parse(selector.value); Source = V[0]; SourceType = V[1]; }; var unused_cid = await rpc.apost( ["add", 3, btoa(oracle_text), 0, 1, Source, SourceType], IP, 8090); if(!(cid === unused_cid)){ console.log("calculated bad cid"); return(0); }; var my_acc = await rpc.apost( ["account",]); if(my_acc === 0){ display.innerHTML = "Load your private key first."; return(0); }; function callback2() { return(crosschain_offer2(spend_amount, Source, SourceType, cid)); }; var spend_amount = Math.round(parseFloat(spend_amount_input.value, 10)*100000000); if(selector.value === "veo"){ if (my_acc[1] < spend_amount) { display.innerHTML = "insufficient veo to make that swap offer"; return(0); } else { return(callback2()); } } else { var sub_id = sub_accounts.normal_key(, Source, SourceType); //sub_accounts.rpc(sub_id, function(sa){ var sa = await sub_accounts.arpc(sub_id); if(sa[1] < spend_amount){ display.innerHTML = "insufficient subcurrency to make that swap offer"; return(0); } else { return(callback2()); }; //}); }; }; function crosschain_offer2(spend_amount, Source, SourceType, cid){ var amount2; if(security_amount_input.value === ""){ amount2 = Math.round(spend_amount * 1.1); } else { amount2 = spend_amount + Math.round(parseFloat(security_amount_input.value, 10)*100000000); }; var offer = {}; var block_height =[1]; offer.start_limit = block_height - 1; offer.end_limit = block_height + parseInt(many_blocks_to_match_input.value, 10); offer.amount1 = spend_amount; offer.amount2 = amount2; offer.cid1 = Source; offer.cid2 = cid; offer.type1 = SourceType; offer.type2 = 1; offer.acc1 =; offer.partial_match = false; var offer99 = swaps.offer_99(offer); apost_offer(display, IP, offer, offer99); spend_amount_input.value = ""; refresh(); }; var refresh_button = button_maker2("refresh available actions", refresh); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(refresh_button); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(br()); var lists_div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(lists_div); async function refresh(){ var temp_div = document.createElement("div"); await release_buttons(temp_div); await where_to_send(temp_div); await cancel_accept_buttons(temp_div); console.log("done making buttons"); lists_div.innerHTML = ""; lists_div.appendChild(temp_div); }; function is_sell_veo_contract(contract){ var contract_text = atob(contract[1]); return(contract_text .match(/has received less than/)); }; async function contract_api(cid){ var r = await rpc.apost( ["read", 3, cid], IP, 8090); return(r); }; async function release_buttons(temp_div){ var l = await swap_offer_downloader.subaccounts( 1, is_sell_veo_contract, contract_api);{ var cid = x[0]; var sa = x[1]; var contract = x[2]; return(release_buttons2( cid, sa, contract, temp_div))}); }; function release_buttons2( cid, sa, contract, temp_div ){ var balance = sa[1]; var dc = dex_tools.sell_veo_contract_decoder( contract); var received_text = new_description_maker2(dc); var description = document.createElement("span"); description.innerHTML = "you are buying " .concat(received_text); var release_button = button_maker3("you have already been paid", async function(button){ //release button to sell for 0.2% + fee. function cleanup(){ button.value = "done"; button.onclick = function(){return(0)}; }; var swap = await dex_tools.lowest2( dc.source, dc.source_type, cid, IP); if(swap === 0) { console.log("they didn't post a 99% sell offer. looks like they want to use the oracle."); 1+1n; }; var combine_tx = [ "contract_use_tx", 0,0,0, cid, -balance, 2, dc.source, dc.source_type]; swaps.make_tx(swap, 1000000, async function(txs){ var tx = await multi_tx.amake( txs.concat([combine_tx])); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = msg; if(!(msg === "server rejected the tx")){ cleanup(); }; }); }); temp_div.appendChild(description); temp_div.appendChild(release_button); temp_div.appendChild(br()); temp_div.appendChild(br()); }; async function where_to_send(temp_div){ var l = await swap_offer_downloader.subaccounts( 2, is_sell_veo_contract, contract_api);{ var cid = x[0]; var sa = x[1]; var contract = x[2]; return(draw_where_to_send( temp_div, cid, sa, contract))}); }; function draw_where_to_send( temp_div, cid, sa, contract) { var dc = dex_tools.sell_veo_contract_decoder( contract); var received_text = new_description_maker2(dc) .concat(" using contract ") .concat(cid); var description = document.createElement("span"); description.innerHTML = "you are selling " .concat(received_text); temp_div.appendChild(description); temp_div.appendChild(br()); temp_div.appendChild(br()); }; function new_description_maker2(dc){ var r = dc.receive .concat(" to ") .concat(dc.address); return(r); }; function description_maker2(contract_text){ var address = contract_text.match(/address \w*/)[0]; var receive = contract_text.match(/\d[\.\d]* \w* before/)[0].slice(0,-6); var r = (receive) .concat(" to ") .concat(address); return(r); }; function description_maker( cid1, type1, amount1, dc){ var d2 = new_description_maker2(dc); var description = document.createElement("span"); var spend_stuff; if(cid1 === ZERO){ spend_stuff = "VEO"; } else { spend_stuff = cid1 .concat(" type ") .concat(type1); }; description.innerHTML = "you offered to trade " .concat((amount1/100000000).toFixed(8)) .concat(" ") .concat(spend_stuff) .concat(" in exchange for ") .concat(d2); return(description); }; async function cancel_accept_buttons(temp_div){ var l = await swap_offer_downloader.doit( 1, "sell_veo"); //l: [[contract, [[tid, offer]...]]...] function(a){ var contract = a[0]; var offers = a[1]; var dc = dex_tools .sell_veo_contract_decoder( contract); function(offer_x){ var tid = offer_x[0]; var trade = offer_x[1]; cancel_accept_buttons2( trade, temp_div, dc, tid); }); }); }; async function cancel_accept_buttons2( trade, temp_div, dc, tid){ var offer = swaps.unpack(trade); var description = description_maker( offer.cid1, offer.type1, offer.amount1, dc); var block_height =[1]; if(offer.acc1 ==={ var cancel_button = button_maker2( "cancel trade", async function(){ var tx = ["trade_cancel_tx",, 2000000, fee, offer.salt]; var stx = keys.sign(tx); var x = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = x; refresh(); //}); return(0); }); temp_div.appendChild(description); temp_div.appendChild(cancel_button); temp_div.appendChild(br()); return(0); }; description.innerHTML = description.innerHTML.replace( /you offered to trade/, "they offered to give") .concat(" ; The money must arrive before ") .concat( .concat(" ; Offer expires in ") .concat(offer.end_limit - block_height) .concat(" blocks. collateralization: ") .concat((offer.amount2 / offer.amount1).toFixed(2)) .concat(" "); temp_div.appendChild(description); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = "explorers/offer_explorer.html?tid=" .concat(tid); link.innerHTML = "contract offer in explorer "; = "_blank"; temp_div.appendChild(link); if((offer.amount2 / offer.amount1) > 2){ console.log("offer with excess colateralization blocked"); return(0); }; var accept_button = button_maker2("accept the offer", function(){ //var new_contract_tx = new_scalar_contract.make_tx(dc.text, 1); console.log("here"); swaps.make_tx(trade, 1, async function(txs){ console.log("here"); //var tx = await multi_tx.amake([new_contract_tx].concat(txs)); var tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); console.log(tx); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); console.log("here"); if(msg === "server rejected the tx"){ console.log("here"); display.innerHTML = msg; } else { console.log("here"); display.innerHTML = "accepted trade offer and " .concat(msg); var offer99 = swaps.accept_99(offer); apost_offer(display, IP, offer99); console.log("here"); refresh(); } }); }); temp_div.appendChild(accept_button); temp_div.appendChild(br()); temp_div.appendChild(br()); return(0); }; return({}); };