function bet_tab_builder(div, selector){ var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var IP = default_ip(); var fee = 200000; var title = document.createElement("h3"); title.innerHTML = "bet on anything"; var display = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(title); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(display); div.appendChild(br()); //bet text. amount to bet. odds. var bet_e = text_input("you win if: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var amount_e = text_input("how much you bet: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var them_e = text_input("how much they bet: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var till_expires_e = text_input("how many hours until this bet expires?: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var doit_button = button_maker2("make bet", doit); div.appendChild(doit_button); var explore_swap_offers_div = document.createElement("div"); explore_swap_offers_creator(explore_swap_offers_div, true); var swap_viewer_div = document.createElement("div"); swap_viewer = swap_viewer_creator(swap_viewer_div); div.appendChild(explore_swap_offers_div); div.appendChild(swap_viewer_div); if(true){ bet_e.value = "1=1"; amount_e.value = "0.1"; them_e.value = "0.1"; till_expires_e.value = "10"; }; var active_bets = document.createElement("h3"); active_bets.innerHTML = "active bets"; //div.appendChild(active_bets); async function doit(){ var bet = bet_e.value; var amount = Math.round(parseFloat(amount_e.value) * token_units()); var them = Math.round(parseFloat(them_e.value) * token_units()); var expires = Math.round( parseFloat(till_expires_e.value)*6); var MP = 1;//many possible prices. var Text = bet; var new_contract_tx = new_scalar_contract.make_tx( Text, MP); var CH = new_contract_tx[2]; var cid = merkle.contract_id_maker(CH, 2); //make the binary bet contract CID. //make an offer where you give veo, and they pay in the side of the contract that you want. var swap = {}; swap.type1 = 0; swap.type2 = 1; swap.cid1 = ZERO; swap.cid2 = cid; swap.amount1 = amount; swap.amount2 = them + amount; swap.partial_match = false; swap.acc1 =; swap.end_limit =[1] + expires; var offer99 = swaps.offer_99(swap); /* var offer99 = {}; offer99.type1 = 1; offer99.type2 = 0; offer99.cid1 = cid; offer99.cid2 = ZERO; offer99.amount1 = (them + amount); offer99.amount2 = Math.round(((them + amount) * 0.998) - (fee * 5)) offer99.partial_match = false; offer99.acc1 =; offer99.end_limit =[1] + expires + 1; */ console.log(expires); console.log(JSON.stringify(swap)); var signed_offer = swaps.pack(swap); var signed_99 = swaps.pack(offer99); var max_price = 1;//1 is for binary contracts. var response1 = await rpc.apost(["add", 3, btoa(Text), 0, max_price, ZERO, 0], IP, 8090); console.log(response1); var response = await rpc.apost( ["add", signed_offer, signed_99], IP, 8090); console.log(response); display.innerHTML = "successfully posted your bet offer. "; //link.href = "contracts.html"; //link.innerHTML = "Your trade can be viewed on this page." // = "_blank"; //display.appendChild(link); }; //TODO. copy things from the contracts.html page to here. // *available markets // *available trades in market // *order book swap viewer // *explore_swap_offers.js //
// *swap_viewer.js // //TODO. we need some kind of way to see available bets, and a button to accept them with this function. //scan for available offers where: //they want to be paid in a contract that doesn't exist on-chain yet. //for each market check offers. //for each contract, display the bet text, the amounts being bet, and the implied odds. //TODO. if it is your own bet offer., would be nice to have a button to cancel that bet offer. /* async function accept(text, swap_offer) { var new_contract_tx = new_scalar_contract.make_tx( Text, MP, Source, SourceType); var CH = new_contract_tx[2]; var txs = [ new_contract_tx, ["contract_use_tx", 0,0,0, cid, amount, 2, Zero, 0], swap_offer ]; var tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var response = await apost_txs([stx]); var offer99 = swaps.accept_99(swap_offer); var signed_99 = swaps.pack(offer99); var response2 = await rpc.apost( ["add", signed_99, 0], IP, 8090); display.innerHTML = "response " .concat(response) .concat(" ") .concat(response2) ; }; */ };